Spleen normal canine Sonosite Edge c11
Stomach normal canine GE Vivid i 8c
Stomach normal canine liver and spleen annotated GE Vivid i 8c
Pancreas (right limb) normal canine annotated Sonosite M-Turbo c11
Pancreas (right limb) normal canine Sonosite M-Turbo C11
Small intestine wall normal canine measurements with annotations Sonosite M-Turbo
Liver with gallbladder normal canine sagittal annotated Sonosite M-Turbo C11
Liver with gallbladder normal canine traverse annotated Sonosite M-Turbo C11
Lymphoma lymphoma with lymphadenopathy and ascites canine GE Vivid i 8C
Abdomen - dorsoventral canine X-ray positioning guide
Abdomen – ventrodorsal canine X-ray positioning guide
Kidney (R) enlarged feline Caresteam Classic